February 18, 2009
To: LHA Board Members
Date: May 14, 2009
From: President Dieterich/Secretary Jacobson
1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:05 pm (CST)
2. ROLL CALL: Sec. Jacobson
Present: Bob Dieterich (CA); Russell Rein (MI); Sue Jacobson (IL); Lennie Stubblefield (NE); Jess Petersen (UT); Gary Satkamp (IN); Jerry Peppers (NY); Mike Buettner (OH); Brian Butko (PA); Jim Peters (MA); Ron Colson (IL); LATE: Kay Shelton (IL); Shelly Horne (WY)
3. INDIANA CONFERENCE: Anticipated attendance (concern about quorum)
Bob asked those present if they planned to attend. 10 planned to attend. Need 9 for quorum.
--Bob Dieterich said he will prepare a bylaw amendment to allow board meetings by teleconference in between the annual board meeting held during the annual membership meeting.
4. MINUTES: No corrections or objections, so secretary placed them on file.
--Diane Rossiter's resignation was sent by e-mail to the board members 02/12/09. The board accepted her resignation.
--Jim Peters asked if Ron Colson could be the Coalition's rep? The coalition has a membership so is entitled to have a representative on the board. Ron is the rep from Farming Heritage, Inc. Doesn't speak for Farming Heritage. He could take messages to the board. He provides a path for communication. He also is on the IL LHA Chapter Board. Total of 4 groups with whom he has a link
--Bob contacted Gary Satkamp from Indiana to serve as the IN Director for the LHA. Unanimous approval from board. The appointment lasts until June at the conference. Gary will be retiring in June and moving to NC. Russell will work on finding a replacement for Gary.
--Russell Rein is resigning as vice president. He might possibly run for a position of Field Secretary in the future, but at the moment has many things to do with his retirement...donating postcards and items to U of MI. Wants to do a blog on LH restaurants and food, (has registered a; also a blog He's willing to help with any projects, researches, etc. even if not a formal member of the board.
--Bob asked Russell if he was aware George Clark, of San Francisco, gave all his postcards to the Hamilton County Museum in Fallon, NV. Stanford University has George's collection of 5500 LP Records of jazz music. Russell will contact these two sources to get information about getting digital copies. This is a long-time project. Russell will provide Jerry Peppers with any NY items that he (Russell) has in his collection.
--Need to have a placement for Russell ASAP. If anyone is interested, or has ideas, let Bob know.
6. FINANCIAL STATUS: Jess Petersen:(Bob recognized all the competent hard work and energy Jess has expended, serving as LHA treasurer.)
--Jess reported Checking account balance is $8,500. Concerned about making money from conferences. Didn't make any money at Evanston. In fact, lost $1,600. Need to pay chapter dues $7 for each member, $3000 Fisher Monument project; Committed to pay $8,000 of the $8,500 we have in the checking account. Donations stipulated for a certain fund is sent there by Jess.
Life Members can contribute to any states to help with expenses. Unrestricted contributions should be so noted.
7. FUND RAISING: Bob and Jess have been working on ideas to raise funds. In the near future an appeal will be sent out either in the Forum or a separate mailing to make donations that can be afforded to the General fund. Jess reported several years ago 40 letters were sent requesting funds. One reply was received. Goodyear sent $5,000.
--Named Tom Lockhart (IN) to work on fund raising. No progress to date.
--Bev Gillespie (IN) put out an appeal for memberships, which doesn't give us money. What we need is an appeal for straight donations. We need to pursue more ideas which anyone can submit.
--Credit Card Program; Visa Card called Card Partner's. We'll have our own card. what we get out of it....when a member signs up and uses it once, the LHA gets $50. United Missouri Bank in Kansas City. Card will have LH logo on it. OCTA organization has been using this method for quite a while and are happy with it. If interested look on internet: Look for "board of directors kit"
--Bob reported he has been in contact with Rollie and he (Rollie) wants to work with us and our names:; and and .net. He agreed to give up two sites. A registrar told Rollie to let his registration lapse and we could then order them. Instead, the registrar grabbed the .net name and has it for resale. Rollie has renewed the .com name so we can work out a transfer. The reseller's ownership of the .net name expires at the end of another year.
--Rollie told Bob the Fisher Monument would be up this summer.
9. EASTERN TERMINUS: (Jerry Peppers)
--Jerry reported on 02/12/09, the 200th Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth, street signs were posted at Times Square in New York City at 42nd St.
Go to the northwest corner of Broadway and 42nd St. to view the sign on the light post. Jerry can see the sign from his office. Community involvement included, the Mayor's Office, Daily News Editorial Board, Times Square Alliance (a local community board) and the Speakers' Office...good, open working relationship with these groups. Funding is needed for a bronze plaque and to post a marker together, will cost $3,000 to $4,000. He would like the board to approve formally: the form of a sign and the language for on the plaque. Jim Peters questioned if the Endowment Fund money could be used. Russell informed Jerry there are individuals in the LHA who would donate for such a project. Jerrry would need the approval of the boards with whom he's working. Our Endowment Fund could be approached for up to $5,000 for a mini grant each year. Jerry would rather not spend the Endowment funds, but wants to raise money independently. He will send an e-mail with a design for the terminus sign. Jess expressed that past ideas had been that a post couldn't be placed on the sidewalk. Now someone quite powerful is excited about placing such a marker on the sidewalk. Jerry will continue working with all the groups and keep us posted. Bob commended Jerry for an outstanding job well done with the Eastern Terminus Project.
10. LONG RANGE PLANNING: (Bob Dieterich)
--The Endowment Committee was split into two groups....Long Range Planning and Fund Raising. There's a great need for a plan to prioratize projects and activities, and follow with such a plan. An obvious plan right now is to get the LH named as an All American Road. To apply we need to be 1) an organization of national scope. This is part of the National Park Program, so is part of the federal government. 2) need the road designated as a byway of some sort and can show the ability to support and manage such a project. Bob wants to activate the Long Range Planning Committee and is looking for someone to head it. Jerry Peppers suggested contacting a relevant person in the National Park Program in Washington and ask them for information that would lead them to believe we are starting the process for American Road status. Bob will be emphasizing this and asks for help with the committee.
--Kay Shelton reported information on obtaininbg the proper form from a congressional representative. The park service has already sent a group out to evaluate the LH and gathered information for this designation. Somewhere along the line, the LHA didn't want government involvement. Jim Peters and Kay volunteered to be on the committee with Jerry Peppers. Russell reported that once American Road status is obtained, a group would be eligible to apply for any number of grants for preservation, research, etc.. Rt 66 has this designation. Russell found the Lincoln Highway Study Act of 1999 on the internet. He will copy it and sent to Bob who will send it on to the board.
--Jess thought a Long Range Plan which the LHA needs to be involved in, seems to be intimidating, and instead, suggested passing a resolution stating that this is an objective of the LHA to work to get the LH American Road status. Bob is going to send OCTA's Long Range Plan for us to peruse.
--Some gentleman sent an e-mail to all the board and wanted information about our association and wants to compare it with the Jefferson Davis Ass'n. The request seemed more political than highway interest. Brian Butko's timeline and information has already been sent. (Six pages of this report are attached)
--Russell Rein reported a map of the Jefferson Highway was offered on ebay and went for a lot of money.
--Jim Peters found information about Jefferson Davis. After the Civil War, Davis moved to Brazil and his family is now Brazil oriented.
--Greg enjoys getting e-mails, cards, etc., but wants Krispy Kreme donuts!
14. OTHER NEWS: (All)
--Bob Dieterich reported on E-Clampus Vitus--a very active group in CA that plays hard, works hard, restores places and erects plaques at these sites. The President is "Chief Humbug". They contacted Bob and they want to put up plaques and markers along the LH in CA. He wants us to work with them on wording, size, etc.
--Our Trademark is registered again for another 10 years.
--Jim Peters would like to get off the At-Large position so he can devote more time to work in other areas. Bob will discuss this with Jim later.
Sue Jacobson, Secretary
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