TO: LHA Board Members
FROM: Bob Dieterich, president
Beverley "Sue" Jacobson, secretary
RE: 14th National Lincoln Highway Association Conference
Minutes of the LHA Board Meeting
DATE: June 22, 2010
Dixon, Illinois
CALL TO ORDER: President, Bob Dieterich called the meeting to order 1:15 p
ROLL CALL: Bob Dietetrich(CA); Jeff LaFollette (IA); Sue Jacobson (IL); Jess Petersen (UT); Jerry Peppers (NY); Mike Buettner (OH); Jeff Blair (IN); Kay Shelton (IL);Lennie Stubblefield (NE); Bob Beaudoin (UT); Jim Bonar (NV); Brian Butko (PA); Jim Peters (MA);Van Becker (IA); Ron Colson (IL)
Absent: Randy Wagner (WY); Al Pfingstl (NJ); Mindy Crawford (PA); Shelly Horne (WY). Guest members; Jay Banta (UT); Wayne Silvius (IL)
1) DIRECTORS ELECTION RESULTS: Jeff LaFollette, chairman of the election committee reported the following state directors elected
Van Becker (IA); Tim Wunsch (CO) new position; Jeff Blair (IN); Bob Dieterich (CA); Shelly Horne (WY) accepted position for one year--not a full term. No one elected from WVA. Jerry Peppers (NY) received one vote to be an At-Large director; Paul Gilger (CA) 2 votes to be CA director. Jeff LaFollette volunteered to chair the election committee for the coming year 2010-2011. The Board accepted this seat. Other seats announced last on agenda.
2) MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: Secretary Jacobson read the minutes of the last Teleconference Board Meeting of May 25, 2010. Motion to accept the minutes by Kay Shelton, seconded by Jeff LaFollette; carried
3) TREASURER'S REPORT: Treasurer Jess Petersen provided all members with copies of the financial report, which included:
--Encumbrances............. 10,789.00
--Assets........................... 6,758.44
--Trust Funds.................109,544.49
--Performance Fund........ 65,970.06
--Endowment Fund........... 2,370.00
--Projects Fund................. 160.00
Total of above 3............68,500.06
--Headquarters................. 9,520.52
--Membership Services.....1,562.39
(See attached # 1 for a more detailed report.)
Jim Bonar made the motion to accept the report, seconded by Kay Shelton; carried
Discussion to raise funds: Forum
--place more ads
--send copies electronically (hopefully appeal to the young)
--research shows 40% of people read papers, etc. on line/ just feature main articles, not whole issue
--take a poll of members if would prefer on line or regular copy snail-mail
--executive committee will draft a questionnaire
--These groups were asked to submit reports before the conference in June
--Secretary received 13 of possible 20 directors' reports/ 3 of possible 19 committee chair reports
--Bob will revamp the Committee Chair list and provide the board with a list
5) NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET: Jess Petersen
--MEMBERSHIP RATES: Jess distributed sheets with proposed dues increases:
--Individual, government entity and non-profits..................$45
--Businesses and Supporting....................$75
--Need to place stickers on brochures indicating increases
--Increases go into affect January 1, 2011
--Life Membership remains the same..........$1,000
Jeff LaFollette made the motion to accept Jess' proposal, seconded by Jerry Peppers. Kay Shelton amended the motion to include Corporate at $150, seconded by Jeff LaFollette; carried
GRANTS AWARDS: Bob Dieterich
--Competition for awards
--Need to rewrite the guidelines for requests for money
--Using up the Performance Fund too quickly/spending $10,000
--Suggest giving only one award in future rather than three as this year
--Limit the 1 award to $5,000
Motion to accept the proposed budget made by Kay Shelton, seconded by Jim Peters; carried
(See attachment #2 for details of budget)
Jim Bonar to write up a funds proposal for approval by the next Teleconference July 22.
MEMBERSHIP: Jay Banta's report included:
--state chapters fairly stable
--total membership slightly down; IL and IA slight increase
--needs help with cost of photocopying/ looking for cheaper source
--was to send the secretary a full membership report
Each member had a copy of the proposed amendment:
Section 5. "All directors shall be elected for terms of three years, and may be re-elected to successive three year terms with no limit on the number of terms a director may serve." A motion was needed to bring the proposal to the membership meeting Sat. a.m. Jeff stated in case of refusal, a new proposal would be brought back next year. Jeff LaFollette made the motion, seconded by Jerry Peppers; carried
7) TRAVEL BROCHURE: Jim Peters made the following suggestions:
--need to solicit libraries to carry brochures, a benefit to both of us
--develop mailing lists of libraries in each state
--have brochures consistent in design so easily identified
--need grants for producing
--not too much content/size 3 or 4 panels
--contacted Jim Cassler for samples
--NE showed their 12 panel brochure with businesses listed
--need to decide what we really want to accomplish
--Chris Plummer and Kevin Patrick devised brochures (in stock at HQs)
--Send copies to Jim Cassler and Brian Butko and the board
--Put the information and brochure on the website/Bob will call Jimmy Lin for revamping the site
--Rand McNally's large 2011 map guide has LH marked
Bob urged all the board members to give him suggestions for the committees
and reviewed the current ones.
--Bob Lichty is planning car tours from both directions to converge on the 2013 Conference in Kearney, NE (Paul Gilger, West; Jim Peters, East); Lennie and Bob Stubblefield conference co-chairs 2013, with Sarah Focke from the Kearney Visitors
Bureau, and Ronnie O'Brien from the Archway planning the Celebration in Kearney preceding the Conference.
9) 2012 CONFERENCE - All: Discussion:
--Contact Bruce B. Butgerist from MI about Detroit/Archives area
--Cassler proposal for Wooster/Canton OH; would present the proposal to the Sat. a.m board meeting for approval
--Van Becker (IA); Jeff Blair (IN); Bob Dieterich (CA); Shelly Horne (WY) will serve one year, not full term; welcome to Tim Wunsch (CO) first time director
President: Kay Shelton nominated Jeff LaFollette, seconded by Jim Peters;
Jeff declined due to commitments for the year, and nominated Bob Dieterich, seconded by Mike Buettner; Kay closed nominations, Jeff Blair, seconded; carried;
Vice President: Mike made the motion to retain Jeff LaFollette, seconded by Jerry Peppers. Jeff Blair called for vote, Kay seconded; carried
Secretary: Motion by Mike Buettner to retain Beverley "Sue" Jacobson, seconded by Jerry Peppers, call for vote by Kay, seconded by Jeff Blair; carried.
Treasurer: Motion to retain Jess Petersen by Mike Buettner, call for vote by Kay, seconded by Jerry Peppers; carried
Meeting adjourned 5 p.m.
Beverley "Sue"Jacobson, secretary
National Lincoln Highway Association
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