Friday, July 9, 2010

May 25, 2010 Teleconference Minutes

RE: Teleconference Minutes
DATE: May 25, 2010

ROLL CALL: President Bob Dieterich called the meeting to order 7:10 CST

1) Present: Bob Dietrich, pres (CA);Sue Jacobson, sec. (IL);Jess Petersen, treas.(UT); Randy Wagner, exec. director (WY); Jerry Peppers, (NY); Al Pfingstl, (NJ); Mindy Crawford, (PA); Jeff Blair, (IN); Kay Shelton, (IL); Lennie Stubblefield, (NE); Shelly Horne, (WY); Bob Beaudoin, (UT); Brian Butko, At Large #1, (PA); Jim Peters, At Large #2, (MA); Van Becker, At Large #3, (IA); Ron Colson, At Large #4, (IL). Absent: Jeff LaFollette, (IA); Jim Bonar, (NV)

2) Secretary Sue Jacobson (IL) e-mailed the last Teleconference minutes to the board members for perusal. Jerry Peppers (NY) made the motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Kay Shelton (IL): carried

3) Treasurer's Report: Jess Petersen (UT) reported the following:
--During the fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 2009, the association's total Income $96,490. This amount included:
--$42,943 from membership dues
--$ 4.517 from various donations
--$39,354 from conference registration fees
--$ 2,834 from sale of merchandise at visitors center in Franklin Grove
--$ 2,843 in commissions from the LH Trading Post
--$ 2,259 in earnings from investments
--$ 362 from the Cardpartner credit card program
--$ 1,378 from other sources
Expenditures: During 2009, the association spent a total of $103,765
--$37,809 for conference related costs
--$27,331 for publishing costs of The Forum
--$ 9,520 for operating Visitor Center in Franklin Grove
--$ 1.562 membership services
--$ 6,644 state chapters share of membership dues
--$20,899 all other expenses
See attached for a detailed financial report and the 2011 budget which will be presented to the board for approval during the annual board meeting June 22, 2010. Copies of the financial report and budget will be available then, also.

4) Membership Rates: Jess Petersen (UT)---An increase is needed. Discussion to raise the fees of several categories, plus decrease The Forum to 3 issues. These items would be discussed at the board meeting in Dixon, IL June 22, 2010, where Jess will present a proposal.
As of Feb. 2010 the membership includes:
--Individual.........523 52.09%
--Family.............198 19.72%
--Business......... 24 2.39%
--Patron.............. 23 2.29%
--Supporting....... 76 7.57%
--Non-Profit........ 87 8.67%
--Government.....16 1.59%
--Corporate......... 4 0.40%
--Life................... 46 4.58%
--Student............. 7 0.70%
Total....................1,004........................(Thanks to UT Director)

5) Fort Bridger Bridge: Shelly Horn (WY) and Randy Wagner (WY)
--1921 LH bridge north of Fort Bridger threatened to be replaced with a new one, which won't replicate the original structure
--The new one will be longer, wider modern bridge meeting all federal bridge safety requirements, this done in order to receive federal 90%/10% funding
--Estimated cost......$500,000 which the county will pay $50,000
--Replacing the bridge with an exact duplicate built to modern standards with modern materials is not an option...wouldn't meet any historic preservation standards and have no historic value
--Restorations must be done making maximum use of existing structure and materials and on this bridge there isn't anything original that is useable.
--Funding from historic preservation sources would not be available for a visually identical modern replacement
--Leaving the old bridge in place and building a new one next to it also is not an would involve a maze of land ownership, condemnation, right-of- way and existing road construction, issues that WYDOT and the County don't even want to talk about.
--WYDOT engineers will do all they can to identify the new bridge with the LH through logos and concrete LH road markers incorporated into the bridge design......possibly an LH interpretive site nearby
--The bridge is in the center of a 3.8 mile stretch of the LH....improved by WYDOT in 1921 as Federal Aid Project #17.
--Used until 1932 when a new, paved road was built on present US 30 alignment through Fort Bridger
--Talk of establishing an LH driving tour using part or all of the old road and making the original LH from Granger to Evanston a State Historic Byway
--Shelly attended a "Tracks Across Wyoming" meeting in Fort Bridger to tour the bridge site and discuss ways to disuade the WYDOT from destroying it
--Discussion centered around getting a second opinion about the structural soundness of the bridge
--Local people who use the bridge do not accept the conclusion that it is failing and not fixable, and have talked with at least one engineering company to find out what a second opinion would cost
--"Tracks" is supporting their effort and a move is underway to raise funds for the study by soliciting contributions from the public. If successful, the WY chapter has pledged up to $500 toward the effort
--A county gravel pit is accessed across the bridge, so the county road and bridge department supports the replacement
--A very history-minded Globe Construction contractor has done work for Fort Bridger and will be contacted
--Bridge may be eligible for NRHP. A plan is in process to revise the report for resubmission to SHPO.
--Three alternatives will be investigated: 1) rehabilitation of the structure 2) bulding a new bridge off the current county road alignment which would be upstream from the existing structure, 3) replacement
--Right now WYDOT needs to enter into a MOA to mitigate adverse effects with SHPO, FHWA and other interested parties
--Fort Bridger Historical Association and the Uinta County Museum are interested groups
For more detailed information, please contact Randy or Shelly. Randy also sent three photos of the bridge, which he would probably send to those interested.
--Mindy Crawford (PA) suggested the LHA's Preservation/Endangered Sites Committee get involved. She was to contact Randy and Shelly concerning this issue.

6) Cell Tours: Bob Dieterich (CA) reported Cell's Systems provides tours using cell phones. A gentleman approached Bob concerning involving the LHA to prepare short tours on the LH at a cost of $400 for a basic tour, be put on the website and use Coast to Coast maps and pics of LH areas. It was decided the group has higher priority issues than this, so postponed the proposal until later.

7) 2012 Conference:
--Possible site in Ann Arbor near the Archives housed at Michigan State U. Russell Rein will be contacted about the possibilities of that area for a conference. Discussion will continue at the LHA Conference in Dixon, IL

8) Membership Certificates:
--Jeff Blair (IN) has a friend who will make a proof copy of the awards certificate we offer, and bring it to the conference.
--He also produces an ID card
--Jess Petersen (UT) has an original copy of the membership certificate which Jay Banta now uses

9) 2013 Walk Across America:
--Jeff Blair (IN) proposed a form of this activity to honor LHA's 100th year
--Have LHA partner with organizations and do in segments
--Volkswalkers group have done segments of the LH
--Car tours from both coasts were reported to take place and meet at Kearney, NE for the LHA conference in 2013

10) National LHA Museum:
--Jeff Blair (IN) reported an outstanding outdoor museum he visited in Jerusalem about 1/2 mile in two directions. A thought for the LHA to have a facility, which will be discussed further at the conference in Dixon.

11) Utilization of Internet: Jeff Blair (IN)
--Need to expand LH info to Face Book as a marketing tool to promote LH
--Jim Peters suggested brochure ideas...will elaborate at the conference

12) Dixon LHA 18th Conference: Kay Shelton (IL)
--105 registered to date
--Mike Hocker (OH) will talk about Yard Sales
--Mindy (PA) will speak on push for volunteers and ideas for preservation sites; will have pictures of sites lost in past years, list of possible sites for preservation

13) Bylaw Amendment re Director's Terms: Jeff LaFollette(IA)
In Jeff's absence, Van Becker reported:
--The director terms will be recirculated to the board by Jerry Peppers (NY)and brought up at the conference for vote
--Still receiving nominating ballots which will be counted at the conference in Dixon

14) Other:
--Sue and Bob reminded the board members to send their annual reports to each other and the officers
--Bob was to send an e-mail reminder to the Committee Chairs & Board
--Shelly (WY) spoke about raising funds through the Trading Post concerning computer keyboards...possibly have keyboard produced with LH logo....Need to work with Jim Cassler

Adjournment: The Teleconference ended at 8:30 CST
Beverley "Sue" Jacobson, secretary
Lincoln Highway Association

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